One on One Parenting Help
- 120 US dollars
Sliding scale available.
Send me an email: happyhollercircle@gmail.com
Looking for more knowledge on how to support your child's development or more support in your parenting? This is for you!
Typical topics include:
toilet learning (potty training)
transitioning to a Montessori floor bed
home environment setup
observation and ideas for supporting your child's development
responding to challenging behaviors, tantrums, etc.
Parents often come to session with one topic in mind, and then from there it branches out to cover all related topics that support it. For example, we might start with how to support a newly walking one year old's development, which will lead into setting up the environment for her to independently get dressed (a vital step in toilet learning!), maybe moving to a Montessori floor bed, restructuring her bathroom and kitchen setup for independence, and how that respect shown to her might lesson any behavior challenges. It's better marketing for me if I split them all up, but children do not operate that way! It's all tied together.
NOTE: The times offered here are limited to the scheduled parent + teacher conference week scheduled into each class session at happy holler circle. If those times do not work for your schedule, I am happy to accommodate you for an additional fee. Conferences outside of these scheduled offerings are $120. Email me (happyhollercircle@gmail.com), and we will find a time that works for you!